Asian and Black and white citrus longhorn beetles

Photograph author: Matteo Maspero

Photograph author: Matteo Maspero

Scientific name: Anoplophora glabripennis & Anoplophora chinensis

Size: 20-40 mm

Origin: Eastern Asia, China, Korea and Japan (A. chinensis)

Name (ES): Escarabajo asiático de cuernos largos y escarabajo de cuernos largos de los cítricos

Differentiation: A. chinensis has granules in the basal zone of elytra.

The egg is deposited individually in the bark of the tree and each female can lay up to 200 eggs after mating. Once the larva hatches, it chews the tree forming galleries inside the trunk. Finally, adults emerge by drilling holes between 6 and 10 mm in diameter. Unlike A. chinensis, the damage from A. glabripennis is located 1.5 m from the ground up to the crown.

Both longicorn beetles are xylophagous insects, meaning they feed on wood and can cause a weakening or death of trees. In their home region, they plague deciduous trees such as maple, birch, beech, elm etc. However, A. glabripennis can attack different holm oak species (Quercus spp.), mainly affecting younger trees. A. chinensis prefers to attack fruit and citrus fruits.

Image author: Matteo Maspero

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